DIY Shower Cleaner Saves Time and Money
My mom told me about this DIY Shower Cleaner and it works! This is a cleaning combo that has been around and I have no idea where it originated. While it’s not my creation, I have put it to the test for quite awhile and want to share it here at the site because it’s something everyone should know about. It not only does the trick, it saves money in the long run.
It’s a very simple ingredient list. At the time of this post, because prices fluctuate, I made this DIY cleaner for $1.34. That’s right; for $1.34 I have a 24 oz. bottle of shower cleaner that actually works and gets rid of soap scum deposits.
How many cleaners have you tried that are so-so? I know I have tried a lot of different cleaners over the years, and none of them have cost me $1.34.
Let’s Make this Easy DIY Shower Cleaner:
Equipment Needed
Liquid measuring cup
Spray bottle
Shopping List
Dawn dish soap
Lemon juice
Distilled white vinegar
More thoughts on making this DIY Shower Cleaner
Grab the supplies online:
If you grab these items at amazon you will see how I priced this cleaning combo out at 1.34 per filled bottle.
Dawn Dish Soap (.15 an ounce for the recipe)
Lemon Juice (.10 an ounce for the recipe)
Distilled Vinegar (.08 an ounce for the recipe)
You can grab these supplies at your local department store(s) and on sale which may slightly alter the price. but not that much. You spend a little more up front making it yourself vs. buying one traditional shower cleaner at a time when you buy the supplies in bulk, but you save in the long run. Once the supplies are in the pantry/cabinet you can mix up this simple solution as needed.
Put it to work: I simply spray it on my shower doors and let it set for a bit. I grab a good old fashioned handheld scrub brush (like this Cleaning Brush) and put a little elbow grease into it and voila; clean shower!
Yes, I use it on sinks too!
What about the bottle? I don’t remember where I purchased mine, but here is a link to a 24 oz. Cleaning Bottle if needed!
DIY Shower Cleaner

- 2 oz. Dawn dish soap
- 4 oz. Lemon juice
- 8 oz. Distilled white vinegar
- 10 oz. water
- Measure and add the ingredients to the spray bottle using a funnel.
- Secure the spray top onto the bottle.
- Shake the ingredients until they are mixed well.
- Use!