Fidget Grows A Pizza Garden

Fidget is very excited about growing her very own pizza garden, but as the tomatoes grow and ripen, she is surprised to learn that her garden doesn’t actually grow pizza. Come discover the magic in Fidget’s pizza garden.

If you’d like your copy signed with a personalized message from Jodie, please leave the name you’d like your book signed to in the note to seller box at checkout!

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$17.00 ($14 + $3 s&h)

"We read the book five times in 24 hours! My daughter really loves this book!"

"My daughter has become Fidget-obsessed! She thinks all the things planted in our garden have to be just like Fidgets' garden!

"...three pages in my daughter looked at me and asked, 'Can we do this?!' She loves it!

Book an Author Visit with Me

Author visits are perfect for:

-Schools (Visit Info)
-Preschools (Visit Info)
Community Events (Libraries, Children’s Libraries, Organizations, and More)

Previous events have included Seed Planting activities, Pizza Making activities, Craft Activities, Pizza Fractions, Discussions, Lessons on writing a children’s picture book, etc.  We are adding easy ice cream making activities with the release of the new book.